Hi to all,
I trying to write my PanelInfo inherited from QWidget on top of my WaveWidget.
Basically I show it only when needed ( pressing a button ).
The strange thing is that when set as visible it's shown as transparent instead of opaque.
Here I write some code. In the WaveWidget ctor I create it and I place where I want:

Qt Code:
  1. m_panel = new PanelInfo(this);
  2. m_panel->move(400,0);
  3. m_panel->resize(100,100);
  4. m_panel->setVisible(false); // Initially I don't want show it
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

than I have a button that should show the little panelinfo in the released signal:

Qt Code:
  1. connect( m_showPanelBtn, SIGNAL( released() ), this, SLOT( onShowInfoPanel() ) );
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

and finally the code to show it:

Qt Code:
  1. void WaveWidget::onShowInfoPanel()
  2. {
  3. if( !m_panel->isVisible() )
  4. m_panel->setVisible(true);
  5. }
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

The problem is that the panel is shown completely transparent and I see the other widget that are placed beside it ( see the image ).panelInfo.jpg
I also tried to set the opacity to 1.0 but nothing change. How can I do to show it opaque and not transparent?

Best Regards