Quote Originally Posted by wysota View Post
So if you have 10 Qt-based applications you get those "several files" ten times each, right? I know disk space is cheap but is it really a good approach?
This is the Mac way; applications are packaged in bundles. It avoids DLL hell but at a cost in disk space. At least you know that installing a new application won't mean updating a library to a version incompatible with another app.

Please see http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/deployment.html

Quote Originally Posted by SixDegrees View Post
Also, you open yourself up to additional licensing issues when you create static builds.
You dynamically link to the QT libs and include them in the bundle; GPL/LGPL satisfied. However, the Mac store may place other restrictions on top that are not compatible with copyleft licensing, re: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/05..._apple_itunes/