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Thread: Cant cross compile onto Windows CE 5

  1. #1
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    Unhappy Cant cross compile onto Windows CE 5

    I've spent the last month and a half working on a QT project using the windows SDK, it's all working fine on my windows desktop, but now I want to cross-compile it onto Windows CE 5 (arm compiling on VS2008) I'm hitting some issues.

    Following the instructions from and, I created a shadow build. After setting the "setcepaths" and running "qmake" and "nmake", I've hit the error;

    NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\
    VC\ce\bin\x86_arm\cl.EXE"' : return code '0x2'

    From a google search, the most obvious problem is the makefile not pointing to everything correctly, but it looks ok to me. Is there anything else this could be?

    If anyone else needs any more detail, let me know.

    Thanks in advance! This project has made me want to pull my hair out in a hundred different ways, but I cannot stand the fact that it has stopped working this fucking close to being finished, so any help is deeply appreciated!

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Cant cross compile onto Windows CE 5

    That's probably not the first error you are getting but rather the last one. Please post the first error.
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  3. #3
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    Default Re: Cant cross compile onto Windows CE 5

    Whoops, your right. Nicely spotted.

    I'm getting some openGL related errors

    .\glwidget.cpp(329) : error C2057: expected constant expression
    .\glwidget.cpp(329) : error C2466: cannot allocate an array of constant size 0
    .\glwidget.cpp(329) : error C2133: 'afVertices' : unknown size
    .\glwidget.cpp(330) : error C2057: expected constant expression
    .\glwidget.cpp(330) : error C2466: cannot allocate an array of constant size 0
    .\glwidget.cpp(330) : error C2133: 'afColors' : unknown size
    .\glwidget.cpp(376) : error C2057: expected constant expression
    .\glwidget.cpp(376) : error C2466: cannot allocate an array of constant size 0
    .\glwidget.cpp(376) : error C2133: 'afVertices' : unknown size
    .\glwidget.cpp(420) : error C2065: 'M_PI' : undeclared identifier
    .\glwidget.cpp(427) : error C3861: 'glOrtho': identifier not found
    .\glwidget.cpp(535) : error C2065: 'GL_COLOR' : undeclared identifier

    If it helps anyone, this probject is heavily based on the Hello GL ES example. The includes and library references defined here are all included and double checked, so I'm not sure where to go from here.

    Thanks so far, thats at least one thing so far I didn't spot!

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    Default Re: Cant cross compile onto Windows CE 5

    What's the content of the first offending line?
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  5. #5
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    Default Re: Cant cross compile onto Windows CE 5

    In context, its a standard C array (not a vector) with a variable in the initialisation. Something strictly forbidden by some forms of C, but for some reason, worked fine in the QT IDE.

    Thats something I should be able to sort out myself though. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction though, it serves me right for not looking at all the compile errors.

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