I would like to have an advice.
I'm developing an a multipage application with Qt 4.6.
I use the designer to create the GUI application.
In the designer I put in the form one QStackedWidget and in each page I put a lot of custom widget, so it's very fast to create a beautifull GUI.
Each page is full of custom widget to obtain a beautifull GUI application, so each page has an a custom widget background (to show an SVG image),a lot of custom PushButton, custom slider and so on...
The GUI application has about 30 pages and probably they will became more.
In my project there is only one class inehrit from QMainWindows that deal all.
I have the following problem:

-) The class inherit from QMainWinow has too many lines of code and it's impossible to read... any solution/advise?
-) The program is too big... too many pages on QStackedWidget and too many custom widgets.. any solution/advise?
-) Now I work on an industrial sbc with Windows XP, but I want to use or windows CE or embedded Linux to reduce the boot time... any advise?

Thank you very much

Best regards
