hi everybody
i try to code an example to read messages in qt designer. i searched in google but allmost is example for symbian and a don't understand it.
After grope in example of qt designer and i want to save all message in xml file with format
Qt Code:
  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  2. <Example>
  3. <MESS1>
  4. <Content>123456789A 123456789B 123456789C 123456789D 123456789E 123456789F 123456789G 123456789H</Content>
  5. <From>Admin</From>
  6. <Time>25</Time>
  7. </MESS1>
  8. <MESS2>
  9. <Content>noi dung 2</Content>
  10. <From>Guess</From>
  11. <Time>20</Time>
  12. </MESS2>
  13. <MESS3>
  14. <Content>noi dung 3</Content>
  15. <From>Guess</From>
  16. <Time>20</Time>
  17. </MESS3>
  18. ........
  19. </Example>
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

and i used Qxmlstreamreader element to read content in xml file
but i don't know to display it to tablewidget
i want to make a simple example to read messages as inbox message in mobile .
when i run it all data will display in table widget with two column : From and Short content
like this

somebody help me One of the replies has an attachment with an example project for this problem

i just want to display data from xml file to tablewidget with 2 column and when i click in one row i can see the content of it.

A big thanks for everyone