i am using QTcpServer and QTcpSocket for listening and establishing connection. QTcpServer accept connection and open a socket and, J2me server accept connection from my Qt app. but after that when i tried to transfer data. any incoming data is not detected on both sides any body has an idea how i can do this. both Qt and j2me app are reading/writing in UTF8 format.

newConn() is connected to the QTcpserver::newConnection signal
Qt Code:
  1. @void chatScreen::newConn(){
  2. char *data = new char();
  3. qDebug()<<"New Connection";
  4. // qDebug()<<"threads "<<threads.count()<<" Textbrowsers "<<textBrowsers.count()<<"Sockets "<<connections.count();
  5. uint i;
  6. i=1024;
  7. // QString name;
  8. QTcpSocket *client =server.nextPendingConnection();
  9. QByteArray block;
  10. QDataStream out(&block,QIODevice::WriteOnly);
  11. QString a=tr("(iq,") + ownUserName + tr(")");
  12. // out<<a.toAscii();
  13. client->write(a.toUtf8());
  14. client->flush();
  15. client->waitForReadyRead();
  16. client->readLine(data,i);
  17. qDebug()<<data;
  18. }@
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

connectToServer() is using to connect to server.
Qt Code:
  1. @void chatScreen::connectToServer(QString itemName){
  2. // char *data = new char();
  3. char *data = new char();
  4. uint i;
  5. i=1024;
  6. uint port;
  7. port = 1235;
  8. QString ip;
  9. for (int k=0;k < contactList.count();k++){
  10. if(contactList.at(k)->getName()== itemName){
  11. ip = contactList.at(k)->getIpAddress();
  12. break;
  13. }
  14. }
  16. QTcpSocket *client = new QTcpSocket(this);
  17. client->connectToHost((QHostAddress)ip,port,QIODevice::ReadWrite);
  18. client->waitForConnected();
  19. if(client->state()== QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState){
  20. client->waitForReadyRead();
  21. client->readLine(data,i);
  22. qDebug()<<data;
  23. QString datain = data;
  24. if(datain.startsWith(tr("(iq,"))){
  25. QString a = tr("(hs)(") + QString::number(ownUserId) + tr(")(" )+ ownUserName + tr(")(") + ownPhoneNumber + tr(")(") +
  26. ownAlias+ tr(")(") + ownIpAddress + tr(")");
  27. client->write(a.toUtf8());
  28. client->flush();
  29. }@
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

the above code is working fine when used to communicate between two Qt apps.