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Thread: absolute beginner - still installation problems!

  1. #1
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    Default absolute beginner - still installation problems!


    I've already made some interesting applications with QtCreator, and now I would like to use te qwt kits for plotting diagrams - the snapshots on their site looked smart, and I already understood that it would be really useful for me. I'm trying to install this, but I'm a bit lost now. So what I've done:
    I've downloaded this:
    Unpacked it somewhere
    openned a Qt prompt like this:
    Start->Programs->Qt SDK by Nokia v2009.05(open source) -> Qt Command Promt
    cd-d to the directory of qwt-6.0.0-rc5, so here: C:\(...)\qwt-6.0.0-rc5\
    typed qmake
    (this made the Makefile, without any error mesages)
    ----> at this point I would mention, that make did not work, so I've downloaded it form and copied the to
    Qt\2009.05\mingw\bin and now it works (or at least runs?)
    nmake install

    And now I have a library c:\Qwt-6.0.0-rc5 with some subdirs containing eg most of the headers which I can see in the original project library of qwt.

    Well, do you think it was a succesfull installation? when I run nmake, first it gave at least 200 warning messages of this: qwt NMAKE : warning U4006: special macro undefined : '$<'
    During the second run of nmake it gave no errormessages.

    Well, what to check at least to know for sure if it was a succesful installation or not?

    Thanks for reading and waiting hard for some stable points in the wolrd of Qwt...

  2. #2
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    Default Re: absolute beginner - still installation problems!

    Quote Originally Posted by szisziszilvi View Post
    And now I have a library c:\Qwt-6.0.0-rc5 with some subdirs containing eg most of the headers which I can see in the original project library of qwt.
    Well, do you think it was a succesfull installation?
    Make should stop before installing, when it runs on an error - so probably yes.


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