I wrote an anpplication where i use QGraphicsView widget. This widget is synchornized with a scene object (QGraphicsScene class). Because i want to show graphs on scene it is easy to put raster lines like scene.addLine(..).But how to easily draw pixels? I want to draw them similar way to WinApi, like:

SetPixel(memdc, j,((tab[j][i]-ymin)/skala)*(-1)+chartH, RGB(120,70,60));

Is there any simple way? Of course the best way is sth like a buffer which i can show at the end of drawing. Am i supposed to use QImage and then show it?
Or maybe there is possibilty to draw it on scene. I tried with QPolygon but it is only possible to show QPolygon object in one place, right? Please, give me some ideas.

By the way: i dont want to use any Qwt library.