I'm using PyQt .

I had two comboboxes . First combobox has seven commands as text . Each command has its own options . ( i'll put options in the second combobox )

if user clicks commands combobox , then only the second combobox should appear with appropriate options loaded on it.

To do this action , i've tried to connect the 'changing' event with the function that implements the second combobox .

But , the function doesn't get invoked ..... ( i can't figure out what problem is )

i'll paste the code here :
Qt Code:
  1. self.connect(self.command,QtCore.SIGNAL('editTextChanged()'),self.optionopen)
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

called function :

Qt Code:
  1. def optionopen(self):
  2. self.optionlab=QtGui.QLabel('Option:',self)
  3. self.loc.addWidget(self.optionlab,4,10)
  4. self.option=QtGui.QComboBox(self)
  5. self.loc.addWidget(self.option,4,14)
  6. self.option.insertItems(268,list)
  7. self.setLayout(self.loc)
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

I've tried out following functions:

and finally

Plz , help me out .....
Any suggestions are welcome....