I'm looking for an experienced freelance Qt developer, preferably but not essentially in UK, to help me with the development of a desktop application.
I'm looking for an experienced freelance Qt developer, preferably but not essentially in UK, to help me with the development of a desktop application.
Some description of your application would be great to help people to decide.
I'm a first year PhD student who is looking for more money to keep me going. I spent my current freetime helping with the KDE project. An entire Linux Desktop Environment built out of Qt, which makes me pretty damn good at it.
Get in touch if you're still looking.
I have experience in QT with C++ for developing applications. You can contact me at komalfriends@rediffmail.com.
I am ready to consider your offer if you are still looking for developers
Hi PhD student. I am in desperate need of a Qt Developer to help me understand some concepts. Please contact me asap if you are available.
I am in need of Qt developer to help in debugging a code and understand some concepts in Qt
I'm really experienced in both Qt and QML application development, and willing to help. You can contact me anytime, and I can send you a detailed resume if you wish.
Helo, I have experienced person in this field & working since 5 years as a profession i am professional in C++, jave, & doing some projects right now, if you still looking for Freelance Qt developer so i am here for you.
Outstanding archery supplies
Hi ,
I have 3+ year experience in desktop + mobile application in qt.I can help you regarding qt project.you can send information my mail id alok.itmmca@gmail.com regarding qt project.
I have 3 years experience in QT c+so i here for you.
I am here for QT freelance, desktop/mobile app development (win/linux/mac), mobile platform (Android, winCE).
Please Write to me if you need more inforamiton regarding developed projects in QT : rajesh.viradia@gmail.com