
I'm on to learn the usage of QGraphicsView, and the main goal would be to draw diagrams of some data, so the best would be if I could give points (or better dreams: paths) to the object.

Now this works fine:

Qt Code:
  1. scene->addLine(0,0,50,30,QPen(QColor(0,0,0)));
  2. scene->addEllipse(10,20,50,60);
  3. ui->graphicsView->setScene(scene);
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

but I can't figure out how could I add simple points, or how to combine it with eg. QPainter. Or if I'm rihgt there would be a way through addItem, but I'm not very familiar with it's logic, and the examples in the Help are too complicated to avoid losting in the forest.
