Hello every one i have a small doubt i am inserting some hex value into sqlite db but i am getting a unrecognized token error while inserting value like 000c, 03f4 , 038b but when i am inserting values like 0017 , 0023 , 0384 etc there is no error the data is saved properly to the db... as per my analysis only when there is some alphabet in the hex value i am getting a unrecognized token error.
when there is only numbers in the value it is inserted into the data base.
this is the part of code where i am saving the data into db.

Qt Code:
  1. if(temperatureHexdata.count()>=200)
  2. {
  3. temperatureHexdata.append(QTime::currentTime().toString("hh:mm:ss"));
  5. m_query.exec("begin transaction Trans");
  6. QString newsQuery = "insert into allhexdata";
  7. newsQuery += " values (";
  8. for(int q = 0; q < temperatureHexdata.count() && q<200;q++)
  9. {
  10. newsQuery += QString("%1").arg(temperatureHexdata[q]) + ", ";
  11. }
  12. newsQuery += "'" + QString("%1").arg(temperatureHexdata[200]) + "', ";
  13. newsQuery.remove(newsQuery.length() - 2, 2);
  14. newsQuery += ")";
  15. //qDebug() << temperatureHexdata;
  16. qDebug() << "Query=" << newsQuery;
  17. if(!m_query.exec(newsQuery))
  18. {
  19. qDebug() << m_query.lastError().text();
  20. }
  21. m_query.exec("commit transaction Trans");
  22. temperatureHexdata.clear();
  23. }
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pls tell me if i am doing something wrong. ..

thank you