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Thread: Nokia x Burton: Push Snowboarding Dataset Release!

  1. #1
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    Default Nokia x Burton: Push Snowboarding Dataset Release!

    Hi all,
    As you may remember, we recently posted videos detailing the R+D testing that's gone into the Push Snowboarding project. Now, we’ve uncovered data that used to be invisible and made it available to all. What’s the most awesome thing that could be made with it?

    Here’s what you’ve got to play with:
    Run data: Some of the best riders in the world have shredded with the kit so you have their run data.
    Video: We filmed all of those runs so you have the film.
    Software: We've shared the source code used to develop the N8 application, so you have a head start on connecting to sensors, parsing data streams, and getting up and running.

    To download the data visit the Developer Centre. The data download includes 6 files, RawLog.xml is the one which holds all the data (the others are only used by the phone app to display graphs quickly). The raw log contais various xml tags, one for each kind of data. The included tags are: phone's accelerometer (acc_data), phone's magnetometer (mag_data), IMU (Inertial Motion Unit, which includes another accelerometer, a gryroscope and a compass) (imu_data), foot pressure data (foot_data), heart rate data (heart_data), GSR (gsr_data), phone's GPS (gps_data) and the detected air_times/jumps (air_time).

    We'll soon be adding a Forum/Wiki to the Developer Centre section of the site where technical questions will be posted and answered direct by the the development side of the team.

    In the meantime, feel free to ask any questions about the project — whether you'd like more info about the project or if you'd like to find out more details about the S^3 development and data capture, we'll do our best to answer if we can.

    We'd like to see what's capable with this technology. From installations to data visualistations to apps for the N8, we want to see the uses stretched beyond what we can imagine. We’re making a few things ourselves but we know others could take things further. And we’d love to exhibit some of those creations at the Burton US Open event in March!

    Look forward to hearing your ideas!

    Matt @ Nokia Push

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Nokia x Burton: Push Snowboarding Dataset Release!

    We’ve got some good news for the hacking and modding community from Clovis our developer….

    Hi all!

    We’ve got some cool news for the coding and hacking community! Today we launch our project hosting on github! Together with the complete up-to-date source code you’ll find the schematics, arduino code for the sensors and a documentation wiki to help the ones diving into the source code.

    With this we’re inviting you to take part, fork the repo, add in your cool bits and pull it back to us. This will also help centralize all the technical questions discussions we’re having on the project.

    Project repository:



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