This is my first attempt at working with Qt and I need to make static executables. I'm working with Qt 4.70 on Ubuntu 10.04. I'm following the instructions on how to build Qt statically at http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.5/deployment-x11.html

I do the following:

cd /opt/qtsdk-2010.05/qt
./configure -static -prefix /opt/qtsdk-2010.05/qt
make sub-src

After the make command I get an error that some gtk related files can't be found:
In file included from ../../include/QtGui/private/qgtkstyle_p.h:1, from kernel/qguiplatformplugin.cpp:63: and how to install it
../../include/QtGui/private/../../../src/gui/styles/qgtkstyle_p.h:69:21: error: gtk/gtk.h: No such file or directory

I'm guessing there is a GTK package that needs to be installed. Can someone point me to what's the package name? (assuming this is the problem of course)

Also, I tried issuing the 'configure' command with the '-no-gtkstyle' prior to issuing the make command. I got the same results.