I'm working on a Quantum GIS (1.6 Copiapo) plugin. I put together a UI in Qt Creator (2.0.1 (64 bit) based on 4.7.0 (32 bit)) on Windows 7 (64bit) (as Vbox guest on a Mac 10.6.5). Now I'm trying to combine the ui with the python plugin code, but having trouble compiling the project (read: I'm completely stuck, pretty new to programming and not finding anything I can work with online. Sadly, the more I read the more confused I get).
I did run qmake in the Qt command prompt once and now have the following files:
filename.qrc (this is empty)
In addition a folder called "filename-build-desktop" was generated on my desktop, but it's empty. According to the book "C++ GUI Programming with Qt 4" I should have gotten (but didn't) a file like:
Now I tried several bits that I found online (though I don't really understand the backgrounds):
- Using pyuic form1.ui > form1.py (http://www.cs.usfca.edu/~afedosov/qttut/: returns "'pyuic' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file" (also tried pyuic4 with the same result (http://www.rkblog.rk.edu.pl/w/p/simp...-editor-pyqt4/))
- Re-run qmake fielname.pro: returns "Cannot find file: fielname.pro"
- run mingw32-make filename.pro (http://psi-im.org/wiki/Compiling_Qt4_on_Windows): returns "mingw32-make: *** no rule to make target 'filename.pro'. Stop."
Is there any sense in any of these attempts? Can you recommend any of these tutorials/sources or other ones? What would be the next steps after running qmake in the process of receiving a ui_filename.py file?
Thanks a lot for any help.
In case it helps, here's what my filename.pro looks like:
Qt Code:
QT += core gui TARGET = GemeindeEnergieBeratung TEMPLATE = app SOURCES += main.cpp\ mainwindow.cpp HEADERS += mainwindow.h FORMS += mainwindow.ui RESOURCES += \ GemeindeEnergieBeratung.qrc #include "ui_mainwindow.h"To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode