I am trying to use boost in an QT Eclipse Integration project. I got an example to compile, but the indexer see the boost directory.

Here's my .pro file:
Qt Code:
  1. TEMPLATE = app
  2. TARGET = qtest
  4. BOOST_VER = 1_45_0
  6. QT += core gui
  7. INCLUDEPATH += "$$(BOOST)/include/boost-$$BOOST_VER"
  8. LIBS += -L"$$(BOOST)/lib/boost-$$BOOST_VER"
  9. HEADERS += qtest.h
  10. SOURCES += main.cpp \
  11. qtest.cpp
  12. FORMS += qtest.ui
  13. RESOURCES +=
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BOOST is an environment variable pointing to the boost directory, and I would like to use that variable everywhere I reference it.

How can I make the indexer see the boost dir? In other words, how do I use this environment variable in Project->Properties->C++ Include paths and symbols?
