This is a copy of a message posted to the qt-interest list. The list was of no help.

I've been working on a class to implement a QSlider with a custom pixmap
instead of the default handle graphics. Inheriting QSilder and overriding
the paintEvent method seemed too clunky, so instead I opted to create a new
style and override the drawComplexControl method. That basically works, with
two problems:
1) The pixmap is clipped by the QSlider boundary, despite me overriding the
contentsRect() method of QSLider with my own pixmap-aware implementation.
2) For some reason, dragging the slider only works when I use some other
combination of mouse buttons that's not just LMB. So if I press right+left,
I can drag just find, but just left mouse button alone doesn't do anything.
This is odd because I haven't touched mouseEvents.

Any help will be appreciated.