How i populate QTableWidget from SQLite Query?

Qt Code:
  1. def proximo_alarm(self):
  2. self.cur.execute('SELECT * FROM alunos')
  3. a = 0
  4. for row in self.cur:
  5. b = 0
  6. for item in self.cur[row]:
  7. nw = QtGui.QWidgetItem(item)
  8. self.tMain.setItem(b, a, nw)
  9. b += 1
  10. a += 1
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

i get this error:
Qt Code:
  1. for item in self.cur[row]:
  2. TypeError: 'sqlite3.Cursor' object is unsubscriptable
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode