I'm having trouble getting flash to display in QWebkit on OS X 10.6.6 with QT 4.7.1. (LGPL)
I can see the flash context menu and hear sounds, but there is no image.

1) QT is build for Carbon (although I tried building for 32 bit Cocoa as well) with the following options:

./configure -prefix /Qt/4.7.1 -nomake examples -nomake demos -carbon -opensource -platform macx-g++ -graphicssystem raster -qt-gif -webkit -debug-and-release -sdk /Users/<username>/Tools/SDKs/MacOSX10.5 -D QT_NO_EFFECTS

2) QWebSettings::globalSettings()->setAttribute(QWebSettings::PluginsEnabled, true); is called
3) I've tried setting the wmode of embedded flash object to both "opaque" and "window"

Is there anything else I could try?
