1. We are using STB which uses dedicated hardware rendering video. It runs on top of Linux kernel 2.6.22

2. Application is launched as standalone mode (-qws) option

3. STB has primarily two planes Video Decoder plane and QT plane.

Functionality to achieve
We have to have a HTML page (rendered via QT Web View). On click of a button we need to play a video.

Current Issue
1. The Window (custom QWebView widget is used) is made transparent by setting the palette and overriding the paintEvent method.
2. On click of the button (a JS extension is used to invoke our hardware video player). The video is played but we are not able to see it because the QDesktopWidget is blocking the view (we are able to see the blue screen of the desktop on the OSD).

Help Needed
The desktop widget should be made transparent along with the window (custom QWebView) so that the bottom video decoder plane is visible.