Let's say I want to make a simple layout like this:
Qt Code:
  1. +----------+----------+----------+
  2. | | | |
  3. | | | |
  4. +----------+----------+----------+
  5. | | | |
  6. | | | |
  7. +----------+----------+----------+
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
This is easy enough, however I want all the widgets to always have the same size, i.e. all the widgets within the grid layout should take up the space equally.

For instance, if I have a setup like this:
Qt Code:
  1. +----------+----------+
  2. | | |
  3. | QTable |QGLWidget |
  4. | Widget | |
  5. +----------+----------+
  6. | | |
  7. |QGLWidget |QGLWidget |
  8. | | |
  9. +----------+----------+
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
the space taken by each widget should be equal. However, in that setup, without doing any size policy changes etc., the table widget will take up the whole space, since its default policy will expand in all directions and the QGLWidgets have 'no content to work against that' so to speak.

Is there a way to achieve this through size policies or layout settings, without setting the sizes of each widget manually?