I am using Qt 4.7.0 (32 bit) but I didn't use Visual Studio at all. I am actually a really newbie to windows architecture and libraries. I followed the instructions and installed Qt with MinGw. Then I tried to transfer my project from linux to windows. I had some troubles to install Qwt and Qxt but in the end I did it. Qt seemed to build, compile and execute flawlessly. Now some part of my project has QtWebKit. The classes and functions appear to work too, the project compiles fine, but when I try to execute the program I get errors having some .dll missing. Do I have to install VS to make QtWebKit work?

About the d dll's you are absolutely right, they are not necessary for the release mode. However when I try to execute the release .exe I get something like:
_ZN11WebElement12appendInsideERK7QString ,.... was not found in the QtWebKit4.dll
Then I copy the QtWebKit4.dll in the folder and I get the similar error:
_Z11qWinAppInstv.. was not found in QtCore4.dll
Then I copy the QtCore4.dll in the release folder and I get:
??0QPointF@@QAE@NN@Z could not be found in QtCore4.dll

My imagination stopped there because I could get through it.
What is the diagnosis? Is it my Qt/windows installation? or should I do something else like adding a environmental variable, adding something to the .pro file, etc,etc?