Hi all,
I am trying to transfer a full functioning project from linux to windows.
I am very new to windows architecture.
The project compiles and builds fine.
Then when I try to execute I get some missing .dll files
Obviously there is something I haven's configured well ((
my .pro file is like this:
Qt Code:
TARGET = asta TEMPLATE = app TARGET = asta DEPENDPATH += . INCLUDEPATH += . QT += core gui # Input SOURCES += \ main.cpp \ my2dPlot.cpp \ testObject.cpp \ menuBar.cpp \ mainwindow.cpp \ t4.cpp \ qwt_double_rect.cpp \ plotPicker.cpp \ groupBox.cpp \ myTable.cpp \ myTableItem.cpp \ myLineEdit.cpp \ cell.cpp \ parametermodel.cpp \ comboboxDelegates.cpp \ mysplash.cpp \ internetbrowser.cpp \ pictureflow.cpp \ spinboxdelegates.cpp \ configdialog.cpp \ pages.cpp HEADERS += \ my2dPlot.h \ testObject.h \ menuBar.h \ mainwindow.h \ pixmaps.h \ t4.h \ qwt_double_rect.h \ qwt_array.h \ plotPicker.h \ groupBox.h \ myTable.h \ myTableItem.h \ MyLineEdit.h \ cell.h \ parametermodel.h \ comboboxDelegates.h \ mysplash.h \ internetbrowser.h \ pictureflow.h \ spinboxdelegates.h \ configdialog.h \ pages.h QT += webkit QT +=opengl QT +=network CONFIG +=qwt CONFIG += debug_and_release CONFIG += build_all INCLUDEPATH += C:\Qt\qwt-6.0.0-rc5\src LIBS += C:\Qt\qwt-6.0.0-rc5\lib\libqwt.a LIBS += C:\Qt\qwt-6.0.0-rc5\lib\libqwtd.a OTHER_FILES += iconDatabase.txt FORMS += itemdl.ui \To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode
even if I copy all these .dlls in the folder of the executable I get an error like
Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime...
"This application has requested the runtime to terminate it in an unusual way..."