I have an application generated with QT wizard, using QMainwindow as the main class. In the .ui file, I created a menu with File, Open, etc. I’ve also created a pushbutton that clears the text of a Rich Text Edit control that’s on the form(and actually works!). I did this with the Signal and slot mechanism in QT designer, but I don’t see the functions for this in the code. I’m a bit confused as to what to do from here. Questions:

1)Do signal and slot functions get automatically generated in the code or do they have to be manually added?

2)How would I start to create additional dialog boxes to be attached to the menus? For example, if I want to invoke an open file dialog from File->Open, how would I do this?

3)How can I add additional dialogs to my menus using QT designer?

Please help, thx