I guess this is more of a MySQL question but since it involves how to interface to a DB-server from C++/Qt I would say it is appropriate to post here. =)

I'm currently developing an application that is connecting to a MySQL database server run on a multi-core PC.
I don't know much about MySQL but I'm starting to get hang of the basics.

I'm designing a class (derived from QThread) that is run on the client computer and I'm now thinking about possible differences in performance if I create multiple instances (and thereby connections to the server) of this class for each client.

I have no idea on what MySQL Servers policies on threading looks like. So I thought: IF the server only allows for one thread to start for each connection to it I will probably have a better performance if I have two (or more) connections.
The server will most likely never have more than say 10 clients connecting.

The reasoning is that the small 'simple-few-rows-SELECTs' should still be snappy even though a complex query (that might take a second or two) ordered by the same client is being executed at the same time.

This multi-connection approach feels kind of wrong but I still wanted to ask.
Your thoughts?
