I can't figure out how to make childs NOT zoom in when I zoom in a parent object.

The reason I need this is for something like a crossplot. If I zoom out enough, I see all the points in the crossplot, but if I zoom in, I don't want to see only one gigant point (actually, it is a QRectF, but theoretically a point) but, instead, I want to see a point the same size it originally was, only that the zoom made the whole thing scale and it's alone in the view frame.

I don't know if this is clear enough, but picture this: You see a ball pool. each ball is a dot in the pool (plane, scene) and, as I zoom in, I start seeing less and less balls, until I either see a single dot in the center or just a blank space (because the zoom is so big that a minimal distance between two balls is now a huge one. The ball I see in this zoom is still the same size it was on the normal zoom, just that it's scale in relation to the whole scene changed. You could say it is, now, more precise in relation with it's theoreticall point in space value (due to a smaller scale).

Incidentally, I just might be doing it all wrong and I;m confusing scalling with zooming.

thanks for your help.