I'm trying to create a fake customplugin to access QtDesigner istance.
I'm editing "taskmenuextension" project to redefine:
void TicTacToePlugin::initialize(QDesignerFormEditorInterface *formEditor)
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode
QDesignerFormEditorInterface is a interface to access at WidgetBox(QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface)
widgetBox = formEditor->widgetBox();
if (widgetBox) {
qDebug()<<"Ok widgetBox";
} else {
qDebug()<<"NO widgetBox";
void TicTacToePlugin::initialize(QDesignerFormEditorInterface *formEditor)
QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface *widgetBox = 0;
widgetBox = formEditor->widgetBox();
if (widgetBox) {
qDebug()<<"Ok widgetBox";
} else {
qDebug()<<"NO widgetBox";
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode
I followed these steps:
- i have compiled "taskmenuextension" project (generating libtaskmenuextension.so)
- copy libtaskmenuextension.so in QtDesigner pluginDir
- in command line type
emmanuelgranatello@isi-82:~$ designer
NO widgetBox
The widgetBox is equal to NULL because the main window (and consequently the WidgetBox) is instantiated after loading the plugin
Anyone knows how to use QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface?
Added after 52 minutes:
I found (in sourcecode) the xml file that populates the Widgetbox's qtdesignr.
the folder is:
xml file:
This file is included as a resource(.qrc) in the project.