Apologizes if this is rather target specific, but I think the question is generic enough to ask hear.
Qt Creator OMAP-L138 and Building DVSDK qtopia example widgets

I have Qt Creator 2.1.0 based on Qt 4.7.1 (32 bit) running under Ubuntu 10.04.LTS with a target of a OMAP-L138 evaluation board.
I went in to Qt Creator Tools-->Options-->Qt4 and manually added a Version named Qt Embedded and pointed the qmake location to be
Things I note:

1 there is no mkspec:
showing up when I hover the mouse over my manually added a Version named Qt Embedded.

2 there is never a Auto-detected Qt in PATH.

3 there is a message at the bottom Qt Creator Tools-->Options-->Qt4
Qt version is not properly installed, please run make install.

Where does it want me to run make install from ? Or ??

How do I get a mkspec into the above, and do I need it?

How do I get the Auto-detected Qt in PATH to show up, or is it necessary?

If I shut down Qt-Creator and restart from the command line ie
user@user-desktopUbuntuLTS:~/QtSDK/QtCreator/bin$ ./qtcreator,
the previously manually added Version named Qt Embedded is no longer there?

My goal is to be able to compile some of the supplied Qt widgets in the DVSDK using Qt-Creator and run them on the OMAP-L138 evaluation board touch screen.

Any help or point me to links that may be able to help would be appreciated...
I am a newbie to Qt-Creaitor, and may be trying to do this all wrong?

Please advise any links / advice / examples you can for my issues... Thanks