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Thread: cannot uninstall qt 4.7.3

  1. #1
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    Default cannot uninstall qt 4.7.3

    Hi all,

    I'm using an n97 mini device. Previously, I have qt 4.6.3 installed. The app we are working on is running ok. We encountered a Qt bug, so I decided to upgrade my qt version to 4.7.3. The installer gave me a warning that said something like, "this version is for development only" or something like that. I though of continuing the installation since the device is used for development.

    After upgrading, our app is not running anymore. >__< and I decided to revert my previous qt installation. The problem is, I cannont uninstall the qt 4.7.3 from my device. I also tried installing 4.6.3 over the 4.7.3 installation, but it only gave me "Update error".

    I'm kinda noob here, so Im asking if anyone could please kindly help me in this problem, if you know how to remove the qt 4.7.3 on my n97 mini device please do tell me.

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
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    Default Re: cannot uninstall qt 4.7.3


    I had the same problem while I installed 4.7.3 to my Nokia 5230. I found the code for reset to “factory settings”. After the reset, the Qt lib is vanished and a older version can be installed again. I used the Hard Reset with entering *#7370# into the phone. There is also a “Soft Reset Code” *#7780#.

    Best regards.

  3. The following user says thank you to Tristar for this useful post:

    aya_lawliet (21st June 2011)

  4. #3
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    Default Re: cannot uninstall qt 4.7.3

    Hi, thank you very much for the reply. I already reset the device and the older Qt version is finally back.

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