hello guys,

hope u can help:
i have an application that filters data from an underlying table-model via QSortFilterProxyModel and displays results within another table.

i want some filter-functionality that enables me to extend the given filter-pattern to be a list of filter-patterns which should successively be applied.

for example lets say my source table contains data entries (rows)

1. hello world
2. buenas dias qtcentre
3. thnx 4 ur help

my filter patterns are
1. hello
2. help

the resulting list (table) should now contain the rows
1. hello world
3. thnx 4 ur help

i was thinking about putting the patterns into a list and apply each of them successively to the source-table and keep in mind which rows of my source-table succeeded filtering previously for returning appropriate return value for

Qt Code:
  1. bool QSortFilterProxyModel::filterAcceptsRow(int sourceRow, const QModelIndex &sourceParent) const;
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

i dont know if this is the right way to do that.

(another different annoying thing is that QSortFilterProxyModel has no signal that tells that filtering is done ?)

any hints and ideas are welcome.

thnx alot.