I know that QT Creator is a working progress project and I prefer it to Eclipse.
But sometimes the setting of the Project working env. is frustrating
I have a project and if I run it from inside Qt Creator I get " QSQl driver not loaded".
If I run it from a command prompt no problem.
Follow the .pro
Qt Code:
  1. TEMPLATE = app
  2. TARGET =
  3. DEPENDPATH += . \
  4. debug \
  5. release
  8. # Input
  9. HEADERS += chooselang.h \
  10. data.h \
  11. daticliente.h \
  12. mainwindow.h \
  13. myfilter.h
  14. FORMS += chooselang.ui \
  15. daticliente.ui \
  16. mainwindow.ui
  17. SOURCES += chooselang.cpp \
  18. daticliente.cpp \
  19. main.cpp \
  20. mainwindow.cpp \
  21. myfilter.cpp
  22. RESOURCES += omnivision.qrc
  23. QT += sql \
  24. network \
  25. svg
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

And this is the output of Qt Creator:
Qt Code:
  1. Starting C:\Users\giuseppe\Documents\Programmi\OmniVision\release\omnivision.exe...
  2. Lib Path ("C:/Qt/2010.05/qt/plugins", "C:/Users/giuseppe/Documents/Programmi/OmniVision/release")
  3. database clienti= "C:/Users/giuseppe/Documents/Programmi/OmniVision/release/clie.db"
  4. QSqlDatabase: QSQLITE driver not loaded
  5. QSqlDatabase: available drivers:
  6. Problems with database clients= QSqlError(-1, "Driver not loaded", "Driver not loaded")
  7. C:\Users\giuseppe\Documents\Programmi\OmniVision\release\omnivision.exe exited with code 0
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

I put the entire sqldrivers folder inside release directory.
Any help appreciated