I'm getting an odd linker error (LNK1104 on Visual C++ 2008) when I compile my program. The error mesage is:
fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'E:\User\Dropbox\Libraries\NLibrary.obj'

NLibrary is the container where I have a few .dll's and such I made myself. I've gotten 1104's before when working without Qt, and they always meant "you forgot to add NLibrary.lib in the Properties page!"

With Qt, though, I don't get it. For starters, there is no file NLibrary.obj, NLibrary is just a folder. I'm understanding this to mean that qmake is coming in before nmake, getting all the paths given in the .pro, creating some sort of .obj file for each of these dependencies and then sending these .obj's to nmake.

However, I have no idea what to do about it.

Should it be relevant, here's the .pro:
Qt Code:
  1. QT += opengl
  2. TEMPLATE = app
  3. TARGET =
  4. CONFIG += console
  5. DEPENDPATH += .
  6. INCLUDEPATH += "$$(VCLIBS)\\glew-1.5.7\\include\\GL" "$$(VCLIBS)\\glut-3.7.6-bin" "$$(VCLIBS)\\NLibrary".
  7. LIBS += "$$(VCLIBS)\\glut-3.7.6-bin\\glut32.lib" "$$(VCLIBS)\\glew-1.5.7\\lib\\glew.lib" "$$(VCLIBS)\\NLibrary"
  9. # Input
  10. HEADERS += FaultLine3D.h
  11. SOURCES += main.cpp MyNVector.cpp NGLWidget.cpp NMesh.cpp NModelviewProjection.cpp NProperty.cpp NVertex.cpp NOpenGLEnvironment.cpp
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