Hi, i'm new in QT and I have this problem.
I developed a C++ program using Visual Studio 2008, I use OpenGL for graphics and GLUI for user interface.
I would like to use QT for user interface because it seems to be easier and it looks better than GLUI.
My program uses a .lib for solving a numerical problem (arpack++), so I have some .h and some .libs besides
my own .h and .cpp files.
So, I created a new proyect, I added the .h and .cpp files and I modified the .pro file for writting the LIBS+= instruction.
When I compile the program I get a lot of compile errors like this one:
C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/Desktop/System/././ARPACK++//arrseig.h:22: error: new.h: No such file or directory

arrseig.h is a .h file form arpack++ dll and it work fine in VisualStudio (they are the same files, without modification),
and new.h should be included in QT (it is a .h file that comes with c++).

Does someone knows if I shoul include something or configure something such that QT can use the c++ default headers????

Please help me , I've spend a week trying to solve this problem....

I'm using Qt Creator 1.3.0
Based on Qt 4.6.0 (32 bit)
Built on Nov 27 2009 at 14:53:38
From revision c0e849ecc3
Copyright 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation. All rights reserved.
On windows XP