
in my application I use many different QDialogs and call them via exec() - method. Therefor the user sould not be able to close the main application widget or to use the menu of the main app widget.
It works for most of the QDialogs, but for one of them it doesn't: main app widget can be closed while this QDialog is open. The only difference to the other dialogs is, that this dialog has many widgets inside (it's a tab widget dialog). I also made an explicitly call to setModal(true) - doesn't work .

This is how I create the dialog:

m_pQDlgConfig = new SGenConfigDialog( this, "1" );
connect( m_pQDlgConfig, SIGNAL(signalUpdateTDMainWindow()), this, SLOT(SlotUpdateXSDTreeView()) );


if ( m_pQDlgConfig->exec() == QDialog::Accepted )
} else {

if ( m_pQDlgConfig )
delete m_pQDlgConfig;
m_pQDlgConfig = NULL;

where SGenConfigDialog is a QDialog -derived class.

I'm now using Qt 3.3.5 on Windows, developping under .NET03.
Has anybody an idea?