Hi fellas,

I've been trying to wrap my head around Qt' QGraphicsView/Scene/Item framework.
I have been experimenting with complex custom QGraphicsItems. There is one thing
I apparently seem to understand in a wrong way. So here's the question:
What exactly makes an QGraphicsItemGroup with items A,B,C different to
a QGraphicsItem A which is passed as parent to QGraphicsItem B which is passed as parent to QGraphicsItem C (except the difference in coordinate system interpretation)?

I was under the assumption that in case of a parent child relationship the child would be moved together with
the parent if QGraphicsItem::ItemIsMovable is set for the parent. However, when I implement this
I can only move the parent around. Since, I am quite new to Qt in general I might be missing something.
If anyone could point me as to whether my assumption is wrong or not it would be a great help.

Thanx and Cheers,