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Thread: Does QT provide support for programming S60v3 ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Qt products
    Symbian S60

    Default Does QT provide support for programming S60v3 ?

    I'm programming for Symbian OS (Phone s60v3) and using programming language Qt 4.7. So could you please tell me whether Qt 4.7 can support s60v3 and if not, what version of Qt will support? Which Symbian will be got support from Qt! can anyone help me ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Thanked 6 Times in 1 Post
    Qt products
    Symbian S60 Maemo/MeeGo

    Default Re: Does QT provide support for programming S60v3 ?

    No Qt 4.7 for you - S60v3 is froxen at 4.6.3, which is buggy and for which, in addition, no more bugs will be fixed.

    Nokia Statement is here:

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