Is this correct.
Source code
QDesktopServices:penUrl(QUrl("file://C:\\Users\\DasmahapatraS\\Projects\\Bikraam_Databa se\\STUREC\\resumePDF.pdf",QUrl::TolerantMode
Is this correct.
Source code
QDesktopServices:penUrl(QUrl("file://C:\\Users\\DasmahapatraS\\Projects\\Bikraam_Databa se\\STUREC\\resumePDF.pdf",QUrl::TolerantMode
Did it work when you tried it?
You should look at QUrl.isValid() and QUrl::fromLocalFile() and read my signature.
"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." -- Einstein
If you are posting code then please use [code] [/code] tags around it - makes addressing the problem easier.
sedi (9th March 2013)