Hi all, I have this code in QML is a grid of 40x40 pixels square, and each displays text "¿...?", when click on a square it changes the text according funcion.checkPos (index). My problem is that apart from changing the text of each square with one click, I need to modify the text of each square after receive signal from Qt. The signal is perfectly connected to the code QML and it is emited correctly.

From main.cpp I connect the signal with slot of QML
Qt Code:
  1. QObject::connect(&Clase,SIGNAL(nuevaPalabra()),rootObject,SLOT(modificarTexto()));
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

This is a QML code with the slot modificarTexto():
Qt Code:
  1. function modificarTexto(palabra) { texto.text = palabra}
  3. Rectangle{
  4. id: rectangulo1
  5. pos.x: 0; pos.y: 0
  6. width: 641; height: 401;
  7. Grid {
  8. x: 1; y: 1
  9. rows: 10; columns: 16; spacing: 1
  10. Repeater {
  11. id: repeticion
  12. model: 160
  13. Rectangle {
  14. id: rectangulo2
  15. width: 39; height: 39
  16. color: "blue"
  17. Text {
  18. id: texto
  19. text: "¿...?"
  20. font.pointSize: 10
  21. anchors.centerIn: parent
  22. }
  23. MouseArea {
  24. anchors.fill: parent
  25. onClicked: {
  26. texto.text = Clase.checkPos(index);
  27. }
  28. }
  29. }
  30. }
  31. }
  32. }
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

The problem is in the slot modificarTexto, since, QtCreator shows that texto.text does not refer to anything or not found it, i.e. no references found, How can I to do reference individually to the text of each square, since, it is repeated the same square with Repeater? How do I indicate that the text shall it changes after recieve the signal from Qt? I don't know how to do reference a square determinate of the grid.

I hope someone has the answer!
Thanks in advance