Hi everyone,

I've been doing some interesting thing in some personal projects with QT. I'm using the software in OSX and usually I compile the final versions against a static version of QT using a shell script that do this:

Qt Code:
  1. cd "project folder...";
  2. PATH=/Users/TCB13/(...)/qt-source/bin:$PATH; --> Path to my static QT.
  3. export PATH;
  4. qmake -config release;
  5. make;
  6. make clean;
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And everything works fine in another machine with OSX without QT installed. The problem is that lately I've been playing with an external dynamic library I downloaded and and can get it working in the other computer.

I've included the dylib in my .pro file like this: (I've a copy of the dylib in the project folder)

Qt Code:
  1. #macx: LIBS += -L$$PWD/ -lwpsapi
  4. #DEPENDPATH += $$PWD/
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And when I compile it "statically" and run it on the other computer I get:

Qt Code:
  1. dyld: Library not loaded: @executable_path/libwpsapi.dylib
  2. Referenced from: /Users/TCB13/Desktop/dude111
  3. Reason: image not found
  4. Trace/BPT trap: 5
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I noticed that the size of my compiled binary is the same with or without including the dylib so, I googled how to include and external lib and some people are saying that I need to add "CONFIG += static" to my .pro file. I did it and the size of the file increased but I still got the same error.
