
I am trying to gain control of the scrolling of my QGraphicsViews through another widget which in this case is a QGraphicsObject.

What I have is this GraphicsObject item that can be moved only horizontally. When my GraphicsViews are zoomed-in, the item has space to move. So I am trying to control the scrolling of the views with this item, so when I move the item to one side or the other, it will be like moving the views's scroll bars horizontally to one side or the other.

I have tried doing it like this:

- First I get the value of how much the item moved in either direction and send it through a signal, I connect that to a slot in my QGraphicsView class that has this :

Qt Code:
  1. void myView::scrollViewSlot(int dx)
  2. {
  3. int position = horizontalScrollBar()->value();
  4. position += dx;
  5. horizontalScrollBar()->setValue(position);
  6. }
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This is so that wherever the value of the horizontal scrollbar was, in this case I add to that value how much I would like to scroll and set the value of the horizontalScrollbar of the view, so it should move (scroll) the views. I understand that the value to add to the current horizontalScrollBar value must be well calculated by making tests no matter what the value is the views never scroll. I have made sure that the singal/slots are well connected and when I move the item, the slot gets reached with a value but the views don't move.

What am I missing to make this work properly?