
I have broken several braincells, trying to find out how QSqlDatabase establishes a TCP/IP connection with another computer/server.

What I want to do is the following:
I want to force the socket that QSqlDatabase is using to establish a TCP/IP connection with another computer to use openssl with a predefined client-key.pem, client-x509-cert.pem, and ca-cert.pem.

I am using a MySQL v5.5 database hosted on a different computer e.g. It is configured properly to accept (open)SSL connections.
My QT4 application runs on, and is programmed for Linux (I am using Ubuntu 11.04).
My application can establish a connection with the MySQL server without any problems - though without using SSL.

I have read the MySQL C API and understand that prior to the db.open(), you need to set the mysql_ssl_set() (see also http://developer.qt.nokia.com/forums/viewthread/415)
I have played around with the code but cannot force the connection to use my specific ca, keys and certificates.
I have also read that specifying connection options like I do (db.setConnectOptions("CLIENT_SSL=1;CLIENT_IGNORE_ SPACE=1") is limited to forcing the client to use SSL, but that there is no way to define the SSL specifics?

I hope that anyone has an idea how I can get to the socket - called by QSqlDatabase, when it establishes a connection... or can tell me how to define the connection so that it uses the pems...
Thank you in advance!