I see this facility of using the progress bar in Qt 4
How to use it in the program.

Suppose I have a program as shown by the code below where
in cjpeg.exe is lauched as a separate process. Can I show the progress bar till the time

Qt Code:
  1. *QProcess *P1 =new QProcess(this) ;
  2. s2 << "-steg" << "coded.txt" << "-q" << ui.compressionspinBox->text() << "cleanimage.ppm" << ui.jpeglineEdit ->text() ;
  3. P1->setReadChannelMode( QProcess::MergedChannels );
  4. P1->start(("cjpeg.exe"),s2);
  5. P1->waitForFinished();
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

the cjpeg.exe does the work.
Where all do I have to make the changes .I mean in pro file, header file
and will there be some private slot for this .