
I want to use Qwt with a Qt program.
I installed Qwt. I made :
qmake qwt.pro
mingw32-make install.

In my Qt program, I added in the pro file :
CONFIG += qwt.

but even with this line, Qt doesn't see the qwt.h files.
I have to add
INCLUDEPATH += PATH/Qwt-6.0.0/include
I did the same with the library path.

With the INCLUDEPATH and LIBPATH the project compile. But when there is an instant of a Qwt object, I have a crash of my programms.

What did I forgot to install ?
Do I forgot something in QtCreator ?
What exactly CONFIG += qwt do ? What the qmake is waiting ?
I develop on Windows.

Thanks for your repply.