Dear all,

I am using Qt Creator 2.2.1 Based on Qt 4.7.3 (32 bit). There, I created a unit test using the File -> New File or Project-> Unit test. When I try to debug the unit test, I get a message in a popup window:

This does not seem to be a "Debug" build.
Setting breakpoints by file name and line number may fail.

And the breakpoints are ignored, even though I specified it to be a debug build in the left lower corner of the QtCreator.

I looked up the topic under under Building a Test and got this suggestion:

If you are using other build tools, make sure that you add the location of the QTestLib header files to your include path (usually include/QtTest under your Qt installation directory). If you are using a release build of Qt, link your test to the QtTest library. For debug builds, use QtTest_debug.

Please, could you explain me what is meant under use QtTest_debug ? I really have no idea here.

I tired:

QT += QtTest_debug
CONFIG += QtTest_debug

with no effect.