Hey hey,

I have a plot, with yLeft and xBottom axis. Now let's assume i have the xBottom-axis in a way like that:

..... |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| ...
...10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24...

Is it possible to tell qwt to hide some intervals of this scale? For example to get an output like that:

..... |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| ...
...10 11 12 13 17 18 19 20 27 28 29 30 ...

In the end nothing between those hidden intervals should be displayed, as like you cut the whole interval out of the plot.
Is there a cool way to solve this problem? My idea was to derive from QwtPlot, QwtScaleDraw and eventually QwtScaleEngine. Is there an easier way? If not, what methods should I reimplement best?

Thank you in advance!