I am really new to QT, so basically I thought it would be something as easy as "File->distribute", but I was reading it was a little harder than that....

I am really lost, I got to this page:

But thats like reading chinese...

Can anybody help me a little bit?

In the internet I found guides but they are from year 2006-2008 so they don't really seem to work...

I am using QT SDK with QT creator...

I would like if you give me a simple guide about this... or a link, or just a tip...

For example it said i should go to qt folder which is in c:qtsdk/destkop/qt/ and to use configure command, but it doesn't work... lol.... I might look really dummy to you, but please help me...

Oh and one more question... will the resources in my program go to a folder after deploying it, or what happens with the files??? And about the files I don't link to a resource but for example to file://c://myfile.txt, will I need to put them in everysingle computer I take the program to in the same location??????

Sorry for the noobienes.. but I'm supposed to present this project in an autorun cd, this afternoon so I need the .exe and I have no idea about how to get it :'(....