Hey guys, how are you?

Well, i'm implementing a image carousel but i'm newbie in QML. I saw some examples about this, so i implemented my own image carousel and it is working! However, i'm with a problem involving my PathView element, used to do the image carousel. I need to show just 5 items for each time and i solved this using pathItemCount property as answered me in this post. Ok! The problem is than using this property my carousel just shows the next items, and not previous items, the image carousel is circular (obvious) and because this would be interesting to show previous items.

My english is not so good, so i will try explain again shortly...

I need to define how many items i want to show (using the pathItemCount property, for example), but is necessary to show next and previous items, and just not next.

Could someone help me with this?

Thanks a lot and sorry my english.

Note: i saw some examples here and here...