Hi guys!

This is a very simple question. I have a QLabel with a QMovie that reproduces a .gif... The thing is that I dont know how to show it smoothly, I mean the gif shows perfectly but it`s like "stucking". I tried increasing the speed but that doesn`t change anything...here is my code:

Qt Code:
  1. int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  2. {
  3. QApplication a(argc, argv);
  4. LoadingWidget *loadwidg = new LoadingWidget ();
  5. loadwidg->show ();
  6. qApp->processEvents ();
  7. QApplication::setStyle (new IconSize ());
  8. QCoreApplication::addLibraryPath (".");
  9. MainWindow mainWin;
  10. ajustarPreferenciasVentanaPrincipal (&mainWin);
  11. //----------------------------------------------------------
  12. //-----------------CONTROLADOR------------------------------
  13. //----------------------------------------------------------
  14. //some not interesting code
  15. //----------------------------------------------------------
  16. //-----------------FIN CONTROLADOR--------------------------
  17. //----------------------------------------------------------
  18. if (handler >= 0 && aux ==0 && capacidad >0){
  19. mainWin.setHandler (handler);
  20. loadwidg->~LoadingWidget ();
  21. mainWin.show();
  22. return a.exec();
  23. }else{
  24. if (capacidad == 0){
  25. QMessageBox::critical (0, QString ("NO MORE REGISTERS TO STORE DATA"), QString ("No quedan más registros para guardar información fiscal\n\nNo se podrá realizar ninguna operación\nrelacionada con el controlador."), QMessageBox::Ok);
  26. }else QMessageBox::information (0, QString ("NO FISCAL PRINTER"),QString ("No se ha encontrado el controlador fiscal\nconectado, no se podrá facturar"));
  27. mainWin.setHandler (-1);
  28. mainWin.show ();
  29. loadwidg->~LoadingWidget ();
  30. return a.exec ();
  31. }
  32. }
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

And the cpp of the LoadingWidget:

LoadingWidget::LoadingWidget(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::LoadingWidget)
var_timer = 0;
load_gif = new QMovie (":/ImagesMilk/Iconos/zombiewalk.gif");
ui->label_gif->setMovie (load_gif);
timer = new QTimer (this);
this->setWindowFlags (Qt::Window |Qt::CustomizeWindowHint);
connect (timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(update()));
timer->start (1000);
load_gif->start ();

delete timer;
delete load_gif;
delete ui;

void LoadingWidget::update (){
var_timer = (var_timer+1) %4;
switch (var_timer){
case 0:
ui->label_text_loading->setText ("Loading");
case 1:
ui->label_text_loading->setText ("Loading.");
case 2:
ui->label_text_loading->setText ("Loading..");
case 3:
ui->label_text_loading->setText ("Loading...");
Thank you all in advance... Maybe its my slow computer, maybe its something i cant change...BTW QSplash window does not work for me, its not a solution :P