I have a custom widget created in Qt Designer with a QPushButton. In code, I added a menu to the button with setMenu. For some reason, I can only "trigger" the button by clicking the right edge of it, if I click anywhere else (and its a fairly wide button), it does not register. If I click on the very edge, the menu pops up (it seems like I have just a 2-pixel wide area to click). I added a mousePressEvent in the parent widget to see what was happening and when I check for the child widget at the point the mouse was clicked, it does not give me that widget, I can't tell what widget it is (object name = "" so I assume its not a widget I explicitly added in Designer interfering ??) but it seems like there's possibly a widget above it that's interfering? Any suggestions? Even a hack at this point (to explicitly set the clickable area of the button?) as I really need a solution! I'm using layouts so I don't see how I could have an overlapping widget, it seems I must be getting the "background widget" underneath the button when I check the widget at that point. I've read about bugs on Mac OSX related to style sheets but I'm using Windows 7 and I am not using a style sheet on this widget.