Hi guys,
I’m using a QTableWidget structure in which the first column is used as a check box.
Here the code:

for (int row_i=0; row_i < rows; ++row_i)
for (int column_j=0; column_j < 15; column_j++)
QTableWidgetItem *item = new QTableWidgetItem;
item->setTextAlignment (Qt::AlignCenter);
tableWidget->setItem(row_i, column_j, item);

Then, for each row:

tableWidget->item(row, 0)->setCheckState ( Qt::Checked );

the problem is that when I select with the mouse the cell (first column for each row) besides the little square you can check or uncheck (precisely on the right side) it appears a rectangle about a text area..(see the image attached)
How can I get rid of this ?
Many thanks,
